Vietnamese Lunar New Year’s Delight: Exploring the Quintessential Seeds & Nuts

The Tet festival in Vietnam unfurls a tapestry of cherished traditions, with families adorning their homes and spirits to welcome guests. Among these age-old customs, a centerpiece gracing every household is an ornate tray bedecked with an array of delights. This culinary ensemble embraces an enchanting medley of candies, biscuits, jams, fruits, and, notably, roasted nuts. These meticulously chosen kernels not only tantalize the palate but also foster an ambiance of camaraderie and joy, wherein hosts and guests partake in shared indulgence.

Diverging from the shelled seeds commonly encountered in bulk establishments, Vietnam reveres the practice of preserving the seeds’ integument. This artful practice can encompass the separation of the edible kernel from its husk, a pursuit that merges finesse and patience. Such meticulous craftsmanship is emblematic of the Tet spirit, an occasion when haste finds little quarter. Paired with a fragrant cup of tea, this activity takes on an almost timeless quality, discussions flowing like the gentle currents of a river, unhurried and unhindered. Each nut, a unique symphony of flavors and nutritional virtues, harmonizes with the rest, contributing to a wholesome experience of taste and health.


Harvesting Nutty Delights: A Glimpse into Vietnam’s Top 5 Roasted Treasures

1. Hạt dưa (Watermelon Seeds)

Venture beyond the rind of a watermelon, and you’ll unearth the enigmatic hạt dưa. These gems, handpicked for their size and character, bask in warmth to emerge as delectable morsels. With hues of red and black imparted by nature’s brushstrokes, they grace the Tet tableau. Rich in proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, hạt dưa’s protid content, a guardian of the nervous system, aids in the nurturing of muscles, blood, and bones. A handful daily, a mnemonic elixir, guarding against the specter of coronary ailments.

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hat dua

2. Hạt bí (Pumpkin Seeds)

From the heart of a ripe pumpkin spring forth hạt bí, their appeal heightened by their ease of access. Sharing the culinary journey with their hạt dưa counterparts, these seeds undergo a kindred metamorphosis. Pigment-free, their natural essence radiates unadulterated charm. Laden with proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, fibers, and the mystique of L-tryptophan, hạt bí dons the mantle of a restorative remedy. Kidney woes, intestinal afflictions, and the specter of coronary ailments quiver before its nutritional prowess.


3. Hạt hướng dương (Sunflower Seeds)

An ode to the sun, the eponymous hạt hướng dương emerges as a postlude to the sunflower’s splendor. Sun-dried and kissed by the fires of roasting, these seeds, sometimes graced by hints of salt and licorice, materialize as a cherished delight. The heart of young and old alike, these kernels weave themselves into everyday tapestries, enjoyed in tandem with ice tea or lemon elixirs, a year-round companion. Intrinsic virtues mirror their kin, yet hạt hướng dương, a harbinger of youth, boasts the power to embattle time, herald cell rejuvenation, and preserve memory’s sanctum.


4. Hạt điều (Cashew Nuts)

Hailing from distant realms in Northern China and Mongolia, hạt điều crowns the pantheon of opulent nuts. Born of trees that bestow their bounty every half-decade, hạt điều ascends to epicurean splendor, its journey fortified with a pinch of salt. A harbinger of luck in Vietnam’s culinary folklore, this nut beckons with offerings of vitamin B1, B2, B3, calcium, protein, phosphorous, and a resolute absence of cholesterol. Bestowing the gift of monounsaturated magic, hạt điều repels cancer’s specter, inviting dieters to partake in its fibrous embrace.

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5. Hạt dẻ cười (Pistachio)

A traveler from Persia’s domain, hạt dẻ cười emerges as an exquisite indulgence, a testament to Tet’s allure. Anointed with the moniker “Chesnut,” a nod to its chestnut-like kinship, pistachio beckons as a harmonious companion to tea or a libation of beer or wine. Beyond its regal heritage, pistachio boasts a treasure trove of nutrients. A sentinel against oxidation and stress, it kindles digestive vigor through an unrivaled fiber content. Resolute in its crusade, it brandishes the sword of cardiac health, rendering heart maladies mere fables in its presence.


In the tapestry of Tet’s culinary heritage, these roasted treasures stand as ambassadors of flavor and wellness. Emblematic of Vietnam’s rich cultural mosaic, they herald the dawning of the new year, enlivening homes and hearts with their delectable and nutritive bounty.